Shaped like a crescent moon and formed by coral reefs millions of years old

Eco Films
Admin System | 2015-08-26
<p _ngcontent-c21="">Shaped like a crescent moon and formed by coral reefs millions of years old, the Dongsha Atoll is located in the north of South China Sea. Due to its geographical and ecological features, the atoll is full of marine biodiversity. Designated by the government, Dongsha Marine National Park occupies an area larger than the combined area of the other 6 national parks (equivalent with one-tenth the area of Taiwan), with a border that extends 12 nautical miles away from the atoll. The Park includes islands, coastal forests, lagoons, intertidal zones, coral reefs, algae beds, ocean ecosystems, and other individual yet interdependent ecosystems. The resource characteristics of the park are different from the cora</p>
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